Quantum Scientific & Academic Research Consortium (QSARC)
A multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing cutting-edge research and advancements in the fields of science, technology, and engineering.
Sailer for your Technology
A multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing cutting-edge research and advancements in the fields of science, technology, and engineering.
Making and using LLM is not rocket science anymore but training & running it on low resources is. Thank God!, you dont need to spend sleepless nights for thats because we did. Experiance the MFQS-LLM.
The leading tool to detect the anomaly detection in the signal data.
Text logs are integral part of system. MFAD (MajesticFall Anomaly Dection) is one-stop solution for anoly detection from text nased structure/unstructured logs.
World is full of data but information is less. We are the provider of information that can change your prospective
It doesn't matter if you want only understanding or a deep dive into the technology, you are at right place. We have intoduction classes as well as deep-dive courses. The only thing that we need is a commitment to follow us. We assure you that you will definetly get knowledge.
Have an idea to implement or got sutuck somewhere. Feel free to contact us..