Quantum Scientific & Academic Research Consortium (QSARC)

A multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing cutting-edge research and advancements in the fields of science, technology, and engineering.


MajesticFall Software Tools

AI enabled tools to make your life easy

  • Quantized Specialized LLM

    Making and using LLM is not rocket science anymore but training & running it on low resources is. Thank God!, you dont need to spend sleepless nights for thats because we did. Experiance the MFQS-LLM.

  • Anomaly Detection for signals

    The leading tool to detect the anomaly detection in the signal data.

  • Anomaly detection for logs

    Text logs are integral part of system. MFAD (MajesticFall Anomaly Dection) is one-stop solution for anoly detection from text nased structure/unstructured logs.

MajesticFall Academy

World is full of data but information is less. We are the provider of information that can change your prospective

  • 5,120 Git Repo
  • 8,192 YouTube
  • 20 Courses
  • 4,096 Topics
  • 1,02004y Awards

It doesn't matter if you want only understanding or a deep dive into the technology, you are at right place. We have intoduction classes as well as deep-dive courses. The only thing that we need is a commitment to follow us. We assure you that you will definetly get knowledge.

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Have an idea to implement or got sutuck somewhere. Feel free to contact us..